The fastest fat loss week ever-the xtreme fat loss rapid

Why you've only been able to lose fat at an "average" speed, if at all?

The Problem:  The Fast Fat Loss "Catch-22"

In order to lose fat at the most rapid rate, you need to create a rather large caloric deficit in a relatively short period of time.

A pound of fat is 3,500 calories.  Want to lose a pound of fat?  Five pounds of fat?  Unfortunately, drastic reductions in calorie intake only cause the body fight back against your dieting efforts, shutting down metabolism and holding on to body fat as a starvation protection mechanism.

Enter the rapid fat loss Catch-22:  You can't lose fat fast without quickly creating a massive calorie deficit, and you simply can't create a massive calorie deficit quickly without your body shifting in to starvation mode and rate-limiting your fat loss.

The simple fact is this:  Until now, extremely fast fat loss was impossible. Sure, you may have known someone who lost a lot of "weight" in a short period of time, but weight loss and fat loss are two critically different things.  Want to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time?  

1.  A lot of water loss
2.  Substantial muscle loss
3.  A bit of fat loss

And oh yeah, a metabolism so beaten and battered that the moment you decide to return to any sort of normal eating regimen, bam, all your fast "weight loss" (and then some) piles back on even faster.

The Truth:  Your Body HATES Crash Diets

Long term drastic calorie restriction simply does not WORK for fast fat loss.  So if a massive calorie deficit must be present to achieve rapid fat loss, and long-term minimal calorie intake can NOT work for fat loss, how CAN you create the necessary deficit without having your body turn it's back on you?

The Solution:  Strategic Synergy

Have you ever read 878 research papers?

For example, "extreme" methods like fasting CAN work in the short term to create massive calorie deficits.

Strategic "Cheat Days" in which you indulge your most intense cravings and purposefully abandon your diet can be used to offset the adaptations to extreme dieting.

Strategically timed workouts when the body is most primed to burn fat and others when the body is extremely receptive to build muscle CAN allow you to achieve both simultaneously.

Nutrient timing and strategic nutrient manipulation can literally put your body in any "state" you want it to be in, for whatever purpose you want it to be there, at any time.

And with the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet, we combine ALL of these methods, and a LOT more—each at the most strategic position within a radical 5-day cycle in which every single workout, every single day of the diet, and every single combination of each come together to create a fat loss result exponentially greater than any one of them ever could alone or in any other sequence.

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